In 2023, where might investors get high-yield passive income? Two concepts from Roland Head’s research are presented, one of which is a holding.
Saving money now guarantees a 3% return with rising interest rates. But we want our passive income shares to produce substantially larger yields. After all, share values might decline and dividends are never guaranteed. If we decide to invest in stocks, we want to reap some additional benefits.
Here, we’ve chosen two FTSE 100 stocks that we believe will be able to pay out high dividends of at least 8% in 2023 and continue to do so in the future.
Prudential recently spun off life insurer and asset management M&G (LSE: MNG) in London. Although the shares haven’t changed much since then, we believe the company is beginning to show genuine signs of a comeback.

In fact, we’re beginning to believe that M&G’s operations can represent a good deal for an investor like myself who is looking for income. The current anticipated dividend yield for this FTSE 100 stock’s upcoming year is 11%. There are no glaring reasons in our view as to why this payout won’t be manageable.
Asset managers had a rough time during the first half of 2022 due to falling markets, but M&G was nevertheless able to post a net inflow of £1.2 billion into its funds. This strongly shows that former CEO John Foley’s efforts to revitalize the fund business are succeeding because it was significantly better than some competitors.
Management is “cautiously hopeful” about a change in the group’s performance in the future. We share their optimism. Our calculations indicate that the company is on pace to produce enough cash to support the anticipated 11% dividend yield for the shares.
The major risk that we can identify is that M&G’s fund turnaround may fall short of producing the kind of long-term returns required to sustain growth. That might eventually push Andrea Rossi, the next CEO, to reduce the dividend.
Momentum appears strong so far. In our opinion, M&G stock currently looks like a good buy for passive income.
How much money would we have to put in? We calculate that you would need to invest slightly over £27,000 in M&G shares if you wanted to make a monthly income of £250 from them.
Legal & General Group
A little lower 8.3% expected yield for 2023 characterizes our second choice. Legal & General Group (LSE: LGEN), in contrast to M&G, has a history of robust dividend growth and long-term growth.

Currently, Legal & General is the largest asset manager on the London market, with more than £1 trillion in assets under management.
Due to its size, the organization has been able to make long-term direct investments in fields like energy, transportation, and the climate. The last five years have seen an average return on equity of 20% thanks to this effective technique.
The fact that this company is so vast and sophisticated may be its biggest peril. We are unable to conduct a thorough analysis of L&G’s investments.
Undoubtedly, there are certain hazards. However, Legal & General has been there since 1836, and we have faith in the company’s disciplined, long-term approach.
How much would we have to put into this situation? Given the 8.3% dividend yield of Legal & General, you would need to invest about £36,000 to make a £250 monthly income.
Also read: Best Value Stocks You Should Buy